Line of Sight

Line of Sight
Framed oil painting
30 x 30 (image size) oil on canvas
Line of Sight – A Great Egret’s stare!
I watched as the Great Egret searched the fisherman’s boat for baitfish and for the catch of the day. Once he realized he was striking out, he stood on the edge of the boat and refocused, looking out into the water. As he stared down past his long sharp beak, I stared at him through my lens.
He was a strikingly handsome egret, larger than most. The green around his eye and on his beak (known as the lore) turns a bright emerald green when it is mating season. I found his profile so striking that I decided to paint him on a large scale.
His eyes were intensely focused; surely there was a fish in his line of sight. His head rested gently on the curve of his neck, while he gazed into the ocean waters. It was the fish’s good fortune that the egret was in a relaxed state.
This egret was a smart bird. He knew the bait traps were close by and that raiding the traps was easy pickings. Why work so hard for a meal stalking fish along the shoreline, when the seafood buffet is right in front of you?
Sure the fish are small but he could at least put away a dozen or so before his big meal of the day.
All the while, I watched and photographed. When I choose to paint a bird portrait, I like to paint the birds that stand out from others. This egret I remember well because of his antics and how statuesque he looked when posing.