A Look Down Elliott Street

A Look Down Elliott Street
Limited Edition (150) Giclées
15 × 15 (image size) Canvas wrapped giclée, $500
15 × 15 (image size) Archival paper giclée, $250
A Look Down Elliott Street ~ Charming, Historic, and Very Much Charleston!
If I were to ever break out my French easel and paint plein-air, I think I would have to choose Elliott Street as my location and subject! It has to be one of the most charming, historic streets in Charleston. My painting, A Look Down Elliott Street, was painted in my studio but in my mind I was there every day, enjoying the sights and sounds of downtown Charleston.
Located just off East Bay behind Rainbow Row in the now upscale neighborhood known as South of Broad, the narrow European-like street is lightly traveled. There are no parked cars, no unsightly garage doors. Potted plants, colorful window boxes, wrought-iron balconies, lanterns, tumbled brick, and pastel colors all create a sense of wonderment as one strolls down Elliott Street. It is as if one has stepped back in time.
It wasn’t always this idyllic little enclave. Originally in the 1700’s Rainbow Row was a row of homes for merchants, with the lower level serving as their storefront and the upper levels were living quarters. The area fell into disrepair during the Civil War and rumor has it that Elliott Street was at some point known for its brothels!
On August 31, 1886, Charleston experienced a devastating earthquake of 6.9-7.3, one of the largest ever recorded along the East Coast. Much of Charleston was destroyed by the monster quake, including most of the homes and buildings on Elliott Street.
If you look closely at the off-white home on the right of my painting you can see several dark, round objects on the side of the building. You can see these earthquake bolts on most of the historic homes in Charleston. They help tie one side of the house together with the other side and help stabilize the buildings during seismic activity.
Now these beautiful homes are all valued in the millions of dollars and are protected from unwanted changes by several historic foundations in town. Elliott Street isn’t well-known. Rainbow Row is just around the corner and attracts all of the tourists. Horse and carriage rides that go by Rainbow Row often turn up Elliott Street to the joy of their onlooking passengers.
I hope your eyes wander from home to home in my painting, picking up all of the architectural elements that help create Elliott Street’s charm. The shadows are strong and dappled so I went with an Impressionist feel throughout the painting, without sacrificing much detail.
I’m already thinking that another Elliott Street painting is in the near future. Each home is a painting in itself. A look up Elliott Street is just as beautiful as a look down Elliott Street. If I ever decide to paint plein-air you will know where to find me! :)