Little Pink House on Tradd

Little Pink House on Tradd
Framed Oil painting
12 x 12 (image size) Oil on board
Little Pink House on Tradd ~ Pinks and greens go so well together!
This is not the house known as the Little Pink House in Charleston. That tiny one bedroom historic home is on Chalmers Street and is famous for being one of the oldest structures in Charleston. The little pink home in my painting is on Tradd Street. It is set back past the iron gates at the entrance to a brick driveway. It appears to be a converted carriage house, and is, I think, the most charming of all the little pink homes in Charleston.
The soft pink pastel color lights up when the sunlight breaks through the trees. A pair of urns with sculpted evergreens stand on either side of the doorway. A gas lantern lights up the entrance way at night. A single window box at the upstairs window is full of colorful flowers. It couldn’t be more charming!
The main house is a wonderful light green color, and is separated from the street by a tumbled brick wall and iron fence. In-between stands a healthy pink crepe myrtle, which pops so nicely against the green backdrop.
Secret gardens, courtyards, and gated driveways are all attractions that draw so many people to Charleston. They present so many photographic and painting opportunities for local artists like myself.
This scene is so unique as far as architecture and coloring. If you’ve seen it you don’t forget it. It is a screen saver and a favorite on Pinterest for many who love the color pink.
I believe it is an iconic Charleston scene and one I had to paint. I hope you like it. I’m anxious to get started on my next downtown Charleston scene. I have so many scenes I can’t wait to paint.
That is one of the main reasons we moved to Charleston! I’m surrounded by inspiration.