Weeping Willows - Day One ~ Work in Progress!
This is the result of my first day of painting on my Lexington, VA white barn scene. It’s a sizeable canvas, 30” by 36”, so much of the time was spent just applying a layer of paint. My initial plan of attack is to develop the background first and work progressively forward.
At this point, I’m still undecided how realistic I want to go. How detailed?? The large weeping willow tree on the right could look really nice Impressionistic with expressive brushstrokes. The old tree could also be a subject to totally get immersed in and depicting every detail could be cool.
It’s been a while since I’ve been able to work on it, so I haven’t had a chance to “get into it”. It’s back on the easel now and I’m laying out my paints. I’ll keep you posted on my progression.
Would love to hear your thoughts or answer any questions on this painting as I work on it. Thanks.