Featuring the Painting of the Month ~ Chasing the Eagle!
This is the first month we’ve featured and offered a limited-time special price on an original oil painting. I wanted the first “painting of the month” to be one of my favorites, Chasing the Eagle. By using the special promotional code EAGLE on our website during checkout a 25% discount will be applied to the retail price.
The reason this painting is one of my favorites is partly because of the subject matter, two classic Maine schooners racing (The American Eagle vs. The Heritage) on a “Maine day”, and partly because I put so much into it. The painting is ultra-smooth with many layers of paint and an attention to the tiniest of details, with several coats of varnish added to give the painting a highly finished look.
Chasing the Eagle, by William R. Beebe, 18 x 24, oil on board, limited time offered price $6750.
My maritime paintings will be featured in August in an upcoming magazine article in Visual Language Magazine, along with a digital article on their website. For many years I painted mostly maritime scenes and specialized in painting historic wooden schooners. Even though I have branched out and paint a variety of subject matter now, my maritime work is still very important to me.
I will be having an exhibit this December featuring a combination of my maritime paintings and my more recent shorebird paintings, in Key Largo, Florida. If Chasing the Eagle doesn’t happen to sell during this month’s special, it will become part of my exhibit this December.
If interested you can view more detailed images of the painting on our website here. This offer lasts until the end of the July 4th weekend. If interested in purchasing the painting be sure to use the EAGLE code upon checkout.
As always, I would love to hear from you and I’d be happy to answer any art related questions regarding this painting or any other. You can contact me through our website. Thanks!!!
“One of the joys of being an artist is having the freedom to follow my passion...”
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Drawing by William R. Beebe