Discovering the Charm of Meeting Street in Charleston ~ and painting it!
We set out on foot in downtown Charleston looking for something charming to paint. Not a difficult task! I specifically wanted a subject with dramatic lighting which would translate into a pleasing range of lights and darks, shadows, and highlights in a painting. As we walked from the Battery and turned up Meeting Street we were struck by a charming painted brick home highlighted by light streaming through a pair of blooming crepe myrtle trees. This was just what I was looking for. My next painting would be 3 Meeting Street!
3 Meeting Street by William R. Beebe, 24 x 30, oil on board, $5800
I’m a sucker for an American flag. The scene would have caught my eye anyway, but having the flag so prominently displayed off the wrought-iron balcony completed the already perfectly charming scene.
3 Meeting Street by William R. Beebe, detail shot of flag and balcony
I originally thought I would create a very impressionistic work, believing that it would be about the lights and darks and that the details were not all that important. I blocked it in loosely with the first few coats of paint. As I progressed I started to think what a shame it would be to leave out the details which help create the overall charm of the scene in real life.
3 Meeting Street by William R. Beebe, detail shot of gate and lantern
In the end, I created a more realistic painting than planned, but stopped short of adding in every little detail.
Thank you to all of my Facebook friends and followers on my Facebook business Page for all of your nice comments regarding my painting 3 Meeting Street. It is always so uplifting to hear from you.
We will be producing a fine art giclee print of 3 Meeting Street in the near future. It will be available either on archival fine art paper or on canvas on our website. Please feel free to contact me if it is something you might be interested in.
Thank you as always for your interest in what I’m working on, for reading my blog, and for all of your positive feedback! Please check back soon to see what’s next on my easel!
“One of the joys of being an artist is having the freedom to follow my passion...”
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Drawing by William R. Beebe