For the Love of Gulls ~ Outer Banks Seagulls!
If you love the sea and birds, even the common seagull can become a subject worthy of photographing, and even painting. On our last trip to Duck, NC, I spent a couple of days photographing beach birds including sanderlings, Brown Pelicans, loons, and yes, even seagulls.
When culling through my photographs I had so many seagull shots that I found interesting, I thought I’d share. Some are action shots; some show personality, and some I find amusing.
Here are just a few of the seagulls that helped make this last birding trip to the Outer Banks a good one:
Super Hero!
Winging it!
Calling all Gulls!
A Good Day for Flying!
Banking Hard Right!
Cruising Under the Radar!
In the Shallows!
On the Run!
On a Lunch Break!
Saturday Beach Fever!
Splish Splash!
Tippy Toes!
Two summers ago I had an exhibit of my bird paintings in a beautiful gallery in Duck. In it I included several seagull paintings. Also included were paintings of sandpipers, pelicans, and blue herons.
I’m anxious to get back to painting birds. My photographs provide the inspiration. If you would like to visit my bird paintings they can be found on my website under Paintings/Birds.
Thanks as always for your interest in my art and my photography. I’m getting ready to start on a commission painting that I won’t be able to chronicle, so the next few blogs will most likely be on photography (of birds of course!) ☺
“One of the joys of being an artist is having the freedom to follow my passion...”
What's next?
Drawing by William R. Beebe