The Reworking of the Watchful Guardian ~ If I had to do it all over again…
I believe many artists go through it. Rethinking a painting. The what ifs? Or, maybe I should have… Especially when the painting remains in the studio. Some paintings I would never touch and others I’m tempted to take a brush to and rework!
The Watchful Guardian is one of those paintings I’ve always been tempted to go back to and try and make it more interesting. I was happy with it, but over time I kept thinking maybe if I darken down the background more like The Great One, the Great Blue Heron would come more to life.
The gray/brown background I originally painted was a nice color and I liked the subtle rays of light, but it just left me a little flat. So, today was the day! I repainted the background a dark but rich color, combining Green Earth, Lamp Black, Yellow Ochre and a dab of Titanium White.
Once I did that, the bird was fair game. :) I repainted feathers, adding stronger lighting wherever I could. I also took the darks in the wing feathers down a notch by adding some black into the colors.
This evening I came into my studio and turned the overhead track lights on it to see what I thought. The Watchful Guardian was all of a sudden more interesting to me. The extra details and lighting I added stood out and the heron appeared more lifelike.
It doesn’t always work, reworking a painting, but I’m hoping this time it will stand the test of time! :)
I’d love to hear what you think. Thank you for reading my journal and for your interest in my art. My next painting will be a large one of St. Michael’s Church in Charleston. I had drawn it out a few months back on a 40”x40” canvas, but I got sidetracked and painted a few small Charleston scenes instead. Now I’m ready to tackle a big one!
Thank you for reading my journal and for your interest in my artwork. I’ll be posting work-in-progress pics of my St. Michael’s painting on my Facebook page if you’re interested in following along.