The Maestro ~ Wind Beneath My Wings!
All the Brown Pelicans in the marina were situated on their favorite piling. One rather large Brown Pelican appeared to be their fearless leader, perched on his podium like a conductor in front of his orchestra. He has earned their respect and they follow his every move. As he preened and stretched the other pelicans did the same. Whether at rest or flying in formation, he is in command. I call him The Maestro!
My painting depicts him on his podium with his wings raised and his webbed foot tapping, as if to the music. I like to think that he is conducting a classical version of Wind Beneath My Wings, his favorite song, building up to the crescendo.
The Maestro doing a toe tap!
His large wingspan enables him to glide for very long distances with wind beneath his wings. Even into the wind he can glide a surprising distance because of how aerodynamic he is and the lightness of his body weight.
His light-yellow head and white neck identifies him as a mature bird, who has earned his wings (so to speak).
The Maestro by William R. Beebe, head detail
The painting is 40” by 40”, oil on hardwood board. I kept the background a light blue sky symbolizing the vast freedom he has to fly off into the yonder. I photographed him for quite a long time, and chose his most dramatic pose for his portrait.
The Brown Pelican is one of my favorite birds to paint. They have so much personality and character in their weathered faces. The Maestro stands out in a crowd of thousands of pelican photographs I’ve taken over the years. Every time I looked back at his photograph I wondered if I should paint him. I’m so glad I did.
Thank you for reading my journal and for your interest in my art. If you feel so inclined, I’d love to hear from you in the comment section below. Please check back soon to see what’s next on my easel!
I have a show coming up at Mary Martin Gallery on Broad Street in Charleston on Friday, August 6th, from 5:00-8:00pm! Smitten and The Maestro will be there!!! Hope to see you there.
“One of the joys of being an artist is having the freedom to follow my passion….”
What’s next?
Drawing by William R. Beebe